Form Control

Form ID and Company ID (key)

Form ID

This field identifies the current form displayed.

Lookup Forms

Allows you to change to another Form ID that belongs to the currently selected company.

Lookup Company

This button is not visible if you arrive here via the Company Control Forms menu.

Allows you to change to another company. This will make all the forms related to the selected company available in this window.

Company ID

The form displayed belongs to this company.  Any changes made to this form will only be used when this company is selected at print time.


Describes the usage of this form.

About Check Factory forms:

Forms are grouped in sets. Each Check Factory company is assigned a set of forms.

 For example:

Company A has the following forms:

_Blank, Invoice, AP Check, PR Check

Company B has the following forms:

_Blank, Invoice, AP Check, PR Check

and so on...

Each set of forms for a company has its own user definable properties.

Properties Front Side

A Check Factory form is built from several items. They are: Parts, Overlay, and User Parts. Check Factory can define and print part information on both sides of the paper if you have a duplexing type of printer. This section pertains to the front side of the paper.


Like a pre printed form, a Check Factory form can have multiple parts. Each part can be designed with independent graphics and wording on it. For instance you can design a three part form with different words at the bottom of each part. An example would be Customer Copy, Sales Copy, File Copy.

Parts are defined independently of the form overlay so there is never a danger of modifying or corrupting the overlay by mistake. The Check Factory visual designers allow you to put text and graphics on any part.

Also See: Form Parts Editor



The Defaults button removes any changes you have made via Customize and reverts the the Front Side Parts properties as defined in Form Control Master for this Form ID.

Enable Front Form Overlay

Un checking this box will disable printing of the front side form overlay if there is one defined in Form Control Master for this Form ID.

User Parts Document - Front

You can create a PDF document in the Check Factory Forms designer or another program and specify it here. Each page of the PDF will be used as a part overlay. If you print more parts than the number of pages in the PDF document, it will use the last page of the document for the remainder of the parts.

We recommend that you save your PDF documents to the User Documents or Custom folder in the main Check Factory folder so you don't misplace them.

Click on the open folder button and navigate to your PDF file.

Properties Back Side

The properties are exactly the same as the Front Side Properties except they apply to the back side of the paper if your printer allows duplexing.

Menu Bar

Print Menu

The print menu allows you to print samples of your changes as if you were printing a form at print time. You can print just the front side or the back side, or both sides if you have a duplexing printer.

Navigation Bar

The Add Record and Delete Record buttons are not available in Form Control. Form Control records are linked to the Form Control Master file. Adding or deleting a Form Control master record will add or delete form control record for every company installed.